Tony stewart from North Scott high school in Iowa. Coach stewart has been coaching for while now and knows how to get that energy and drive out of his athletes to do big things. He really takes it slow when he starts to train 6-8th graders to ensure success later on. He also has a great program he uses when they first enter into Lancer strength. He also gives some great tips and techniques on how to test athletes without having to use expensive tech like Omega Wave. Coach Stewart has an awesome program and its about to get even aweseomer, yes aweseomer.. because we talk about his new strength facility that is currently being built that he had a major part in when it came down to the blueprints. Lots of cool stuff to talk to coach Stewart about. Some great takeaways for sure! Tony Stewart was a track and field thrower at Iowa State University, then went on to teach and coach at Winterset high school for 2 years before moving into strength and conditioning at Illinois State university. Then in 2009 he landed a high school strength coach job at North Scott high and has been building the program ever since. He has a master of science degree and is CSCS certified.
Contact Coach Stewart
My name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching. Thanks for checking out the website. It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes. This is why I created this podcast. I hope you find it useful and valuable!
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