Coach Patrick McHenry from Castle View high school located in Castle rock, Colorado. Coach McHenry has been in strength & conditioning since 1989 so he has a ton of experience in what he is doing. He has a ton to share to today but before we talk with him let me give you a little bio info on him. Coach McHenry has a Masters of Arts degree, is CSCS certified with Distinction, and has his USAW cert too. In 2003 he was the regional strength coach of the year for American football monthly, in 2005 he was the national strength and conditioning coach of the year for the NSCA and in 2006 he received the editorial excellent award from the strength and conditioning journal. He received the strength of America award in 2010 from the presidents council on fitness, sports, and nutrition. In 2012 coach McHenry was the Colorado high school physical education teacher of the year.
Contact Coach McHenry:
Facebook: Patrick McHenry
My info:
My name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching. Thanks for checking out the website. It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes. This is why I created this podcast. I hope you find it useful and valuable!
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